No hype machine. Real data. Real impact.

Humility, transparency, and education technology are concepts rarely found in the same sentence. We want to change that. We’re candid about who uses Quill and how much so everyone can gauge how we’re doing and what our users are learning. Our goal is to be helpful to teachers and the students they serve—and we can only do that by keeping it real.


Students impacted




Sentences written


Low-income schools



Map of the United States with red dots over every city with a school that uses Quill. Top of the image has text that says 'Quill advances literary outcomes in schools across the United States'.

Fleming County Schools use Quill for district-wide personalized learning.

In 2019, Fleming County Schools in Flemingsburg, Kentucky, asked themselves, “How can we enable our teachers to provide even more personalized learning opportunities for our students?” In their search for the answer to this question, they found Quill. Using Quill’s Diagnostic assessments and differentiated learning plans, Fleming County’s 2,203 students completed over 120,000 sentences on Quill in the first month alone. That’s equivalent to receiving teacher-written personalized feedback on almost 5,000 essays! Fleming County teachers are now spending less time creating and grading grammar activities and are utilizing their time to do what really matters in the classroom: provide face-to-face, impactful guidance and instruction. Furthermore, they are seeing a direct positive impact on student college and career readiness on local standardized benchmarks.

A photograph taken over a student's shoulder of them completing a Grammar activity on A white box in the corner contains the Fleming County Schools logo.
Achievement First logo Edina Hill Middle School logo John Adams High School logo Mike O'Callaghan Middle School logo Relay/GSE logo Rome City Schools logo