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4.1a Use relative pronouns

Relative Clauses with Modifiers - Facts about Nepal
Students practice using relative clauses with adjectives and prepositional phrases by combining 3 sentences using "who," "that," or "which." Students must choose the relative pronoun that best connects the ideas.
That 1
Students practice writing with relative clauses by combining two sentences using "that."
That - Animals
Students practice writing with relative clauses by combining two sentences using "that."
That & Which 1
Students practice using relative pronouns by rewriting sentences with the correct underlined option.
That & Which 2
Students practice writing with relative clauses by combining sentences using "that" or "which." Students are provided the correct pronoun to use on each prompt.
That & Which - Chemistry
Students practice writing with relative clauses by combining sentences using "that" or "which." Students must choose the joining word that best connects the ideas.
That & Which - Physics
Students practice writing with relative clauses by combining sentences using "that" or "which." Students must choose the joining word that best connects the ideas.
That, Which, & Who 1
Students practice writing with relative pronouns by combining sentences using "who," "that," or "which." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
That, Which, & Who - Outer Space
Students practice writing with relative pronouns by combining sentences using "who," "that," or "which." Students must choose the joining word that best connects the ideas.
That, Which, & Who - Pharaohs & King Tut
Students practice writing with relative pronouns by combining sentences using "who," "that," or "which." Students must choose the joining word that best connects the ideas.
That, Which, & Who - Vietnamese Food
Students practice writing with relative pronouns by combining sentences using "who," "that," or "which." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
When, Where, & Why 1
Students practice using "where," "why," and "when" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Which 1
Students practice writing with relative clauses by combining sentences using "which."
Which - Dinosaurs
Students practice writing with relative clauses by combining sentences using "which."
Which - Inventors
Students practice writing with relative clauses by combining sentences using "which."
Who 1
Students practice writing with relative clauses by combining sentences using "who."
Who - Artists
Students practice writing with relative clauses by combining sentences using "who."
Who, Whom, & Whose 1
Students practice using relative pronouns by rewriting sentences with the correct underlined option.

4.1b The progressive tense

Lesson 1: Present Progressive Tense
Students learn to use the present progressive form (e.g. am eating). This is lesson 1 of 3 in the progressive tense lesson series.
Lesson 2: Past Progressive Tense
Students learn to use the past progressive form (e.g. was eating). This is lesson 2 of 3 in the progressive tense lesson series.
Lesson 3: Present Perfect Progressive Tense
Students learn to use the present perfect progressive form (e.g. have been eating). This is lesson 3 of 3 in the progressive tense lesson series.
Past Perfect Progressive vs. Simple Past 1
Students practice deciding between simple past tense and past progressive by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Past, Present, & Future Progressive 3
Students practice writing progressive tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined verb to the progressive tense.
Present Progressive 2
Students rewrite sentences, filling in the blank with the present progressive form of the provided verb.
Present Progressive 3
Students rewrite sentences, filling in the blank with not and the present progressive form of the provided verb.
Present Progressive 4
Students rewrite sentences, filling in the blank with the present progressive form of the provided verb.

4.1c Can/may vs. should/must

Proofreading Modal Verbs - The Moon Landing
Students choose the correct modal verb from the underlined choices throughout a text.

4.1e Prepositional phrases

Commas after Introductory Prepositional Phrases 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding commas after introductory prepositional phrases.
Placing Prepositional Phrases 1
Students practice writing prepositional phrases by rewriting sentences and moving the prepositional phrase within each sentence to the correct place.
Placing Prepositional Phrases - Weather
Students practice placing prepositional phrases by combining sentences.
Prepositional Phrases with At, In, On, & To - A Farmer
Students practice using prepositions by combining sentences.
Prepositional Phrases with In & On - Grand Teton National Park
Students practice using prepositions by combining sentences.

4.1f Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run-ons

Lesson 1: Missing Subject or Verb Fragments
Students learn to identify and correct simple fragments that are missing a single subject or a single verb. This is lesson 1 of 4 in the basic fragments lesson series.
Lesson 1: Missing Subject or Verb Fragments (Advanced)
Students learn to correct long, complex fragments that are missing a subject or a verb. This is lesson 1 of 3 in the advanced fragments lesson series.
Lesson 2: Dependent Clause Fragments
Students learn to identify and correct basic dependent clause fragments. This is lesson 2 of 4 in the basic fragments lesson series.
Lesson 2: -ing Fragments (Advanced)
Students learn to correct long, complex fragments that are missing to be before an -ing word. This is lesson 2 of 3 in the advanced fragments lesson series.
Lesson 3: Dependent Fragments (Advanced)
Students learn to correct long, complex dependent clause fragments.This is lesson 3 of 3 in the advanced fragments lesson series.
Lesson 3: -ing Fragments
Students learn to identify and correct basic -ing fragments. This is lesson 3 of 4 in the basic fragments lesson serries.
Lesson 4: Fragments Review
Students apply what they learned in the basic fragment lessons 1-3 by identifying and correcting fragments within a paragraph. This is lesson 4 of 4 in the basic fragments lesson series.
Proofreading Fixing Run-Ons with Conjunctions - Bayard Rustin & the March on Washington
Students find and correct run-on sentences within a text.
Proofreading Fixing Run-Ons with Periods - Bayard Rustin's Early Life
Students find and correct run-on sentences within a text.
Proofreading Fixing Run-Ons with Semicolons & Periods - Bayard Rustin & LGBTQ Activism
Students find and correct run-on sentences within a text.
Proofreading Run-Ons with Semicolons - Bayard Rustin & the First Freedom Ride
Students find and correct run-on sentences within a text.
Run-Ons 1
Students practice correcting run-on sentences by rewriting sentences, adding a period or a semicolon as needed.

4.1g Commonly confused words

Affect & Effect 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between "affect" and "effect" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Affect & Effect 2
Students practice recognizing the difference between "affect" and "effect" by filling in the blanks with the correct words.
Affect & Effect 3
Students practice recognizing the difference between "affect" and "effect" by filling in the blanks with the correct words.
A Lot & All Right 1
Students practice using "a lot" and "all right" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Bare/Bear & Grease/Greece 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between commonly confused words by rewriting sentences with the correct word.
Farther & Further 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between "further" and "farther" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Finally/Finely & Please/Pleas 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between commonly confused words by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
It's & Its 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between "its" and "it's" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
It's & Its 2
Students practice recognizing the difference between "its" and "it's" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
It's & Its 3
Students practice recognizing the difference between "its" and "it's" by filling in the blanks with the correct words.
It's & Its 4
Students practice recognizing the difference between "its" and "it's" by filling in the blanks with the correct words.
Loose & Lose 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between "lose" and "loose" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Loose/Lose, Than/Then, & Your/You're 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between commonly confused words by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Meant/Mint & Throne/Thrown 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between commonly confused words by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Of & Off 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between "of" and "off" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Proofreading Commonly Confused Words - A Man & Birds Story
Students find and correct commonly confused words errors within a text.
Proofreading Commonly Confused Words - Deucalion & the Flood Myth
Students find and correct commonly confused words errors within a text.
Proofreading Commonly Confused Words - Myth about Zeus & Frogs
Students find and correct commonly confused words errors within a text.
Proofreading Commonly Confused Words - Myth of Alexander & the Pirate Diomedes
Students find and correct commonly confused words errors within a text.
Proofreading - The Emperor's New Clothes
Students correct a variety errors within a text.The errors in the text are underlined.
Than & Then 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between "than" and "then" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Their, There, & They're 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between "there," "their," and "they're" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Their, There, & They're 2
Students practice recognizing the difference between "there," "their," and "there" by filling in the blank with the correct word.
Their, There, & They're 3
Students practice recognizing the difference between "there," "their," and "there" by filling in the blanks with the correct words.
Their, There, & They're 4
Students practice recognizing the difference between "there," "their," and "there" by filling in the blanks with the correct words.
To, Too, & Two 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between "to," "too," and "two" by filling in the blank with the correct word.
To, Too, & Two 2
Students practice recognizing the difference between "to," "too," and "two" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Who's & Whose 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between "who's" and "whose" by filling in the blank with the correct word.
Your & You're 1
Students practice recognizing the difference between "you're" and "your" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Your & You're 2
Students practice recognizing the difference between "you're" and "your" by filling in the blank with the correct word.
Your & You're 3
Students practice recognizing the difference between "you're" and "your" by filling in the blanks with the correct words.
Your & You're 4
Students practice recognizing the difference between "you're" and "your" by filling in the blanks with the correct words.

4.2a Use correct capitalization

Capitalization 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization. Each sentence contains multiple capitalization errors; students must identify and correct each error.
Capitalization 2
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Capitalization 3
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Capitalization 4
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Capitalizing Geographic Names 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Capitalizing Geographic Names 2
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Capitalizing Geographic Names 3
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Capitalizing Geographic Names - The Pan-American Highway
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Capitalizing Holidays, People, & Places 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Capitalizing Names of People 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Capitalizing Names of People 2
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Capitalizing People, Places, & the Pronoun "I" 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Capitalizing Titles of People 1
Students practice capitalizing titles of people by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Capitalizing Titles of People 2
Students practice capitalizing titles of people by rewriting sentences using correct capitalization. Each sentence has 1 blank and 2 options for filling in the blank: a lowercase option and an uppercase option.
Capitalizing Titles of People 3
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Proofreading - Diwali
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - Tyrannosaurus Rex
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.

4.2c Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction

And, But, Or, & So - Archaeologists
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "and," "or," "but," or "so." Students are given 4 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
And, But, Or, & So - Bats
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "and," "or," "but," or "so." Students are given 4 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
And, But, Or, & So - Polar Bears
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "and," "or," "but," or "so." Students are given 4 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
And, But, Or, & So - The Tundra
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "and," "or," "but," or "so." Students are given 4 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
And, But, & So - Animals
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "and," "but," or "so." Students are given 3 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
And - Deserts
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "and." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
And - Haudenosaunee Strawberry Festivals
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "and." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
And & Or - Jackie Robinson
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "and" or "or." Students are given 2 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
And & Or - Olympic Athletes
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "and" or "or." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
And & Or - Primaries & Caucuses
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "and" or "or." Students are given 2 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
But & So - Coqui Frogs
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "but" or "so." Students are given 2 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
But & So - Mexican Artist Frida Kahlo
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "but" or "so." Students are given 2 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
But & So - Pandas
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "but" or "so." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
But & So - Pele the Hawaiian Goddess
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "but" or "so." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
But & So - Tornadoes
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "but" or "so." Students are given 2 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Commas before Coordinating Conjunctions 1
Students rewrite compound sentences, adding commas in the appropriate places.
Coordinate Adjectives (Follow-Up for Lesson 1)
Proofreading - The U.S. Open
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.

CCSS Grade 4 Formative Assessments

Proofreading - Antarctic Exploration
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - The Great Chicago Fire
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.