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6.1a Subjective, objective, and possessive pronouns
Compound Possession with One Noun & One Pronoun 1
Students practice writing sentences with compound possession by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Possession with One Noun & One Pronoun 2
Students practice writing sentences with compound possession by combining 2 sentences.
He/She vs. Him/Her in Compound Subjects & Objects 1
Students practice using the pronouns "she," "he," "her," and "him" in compound objects and subjects by filling in the blanks with the correct words.
He/She vs. Him/Her in Compound Subjects & Objects 2
Students practice using the pronouns "she," "he," "her," and "him" in compound objects and subjects by filling in the blanks with the correct words.
I vs. Me in Compound Subjects & Objects 1
Students practice using the pronouns "I," and "me" in compound objects and subjects by filling in the blanks with the correct words.
I vs. Me in Compound Subjects & Objects 2
Students practice using the pronouns "I," and "me" in compound objects and subjects by filling in the blanks with the correct words.
Pronouns in Compound Objects 1
Students practice using pronouns in compound objects by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronouns in Compound Objects 2
Students practice using pronouns in compound objects by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronouns in Compound Subjects 1
Students practice using pronouns in compound subjects by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronouns in Compound Subjects 2
Students practice using pronouns in compound subjects by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronouns in Compound Subjects & Objects 1
Students practice using pronouns in compound objects and subjects by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronouns in Compound Subjects & Objects 2
Students practice using pronouns in compound objects and subjects by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronouns in Compound Subjects & Objects 4
Students practice using pronouns in compound objects and subjects by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Proofreading Pronouns - Greek Legend of Oedipus & the Sphinx
Students choose the correct pronoun from the underlined choices throughout a text.
6.1b Intensive pronouns
Intensive Pronouns 1
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
6.1c Recognizing inappropriate shifts in pronoun number or gender
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement - Koko the Gorilla
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement in advanced constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement - Musical Social Experiment
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement - Pavlov's Dogs
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement - Stanford Prison Experiment
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement in advanced constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement - The Marshmallow Test
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement in advanced constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement with Collective Nouns 1
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement with Either/Or & Neither/Nor - Symbiotic Animal Relationships 1
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement in either/or and neither/nor constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement with Either/Or & Neither/Nor - Symbiotic Animal Relationships 2
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement in either/or and neither/nor constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns 1
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns - Pangolin Species
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement with indefinite pronouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns - Tapir Species
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement with indefinite pronouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement with Interrupters - Crows
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement in advanced constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement with Interrupters - Honeybees
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement in advanced constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement with Interrupters - Octopuses & Dolphins
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement in advanced constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided pronouns.
Pronoun Number and Case Errors (Follow-Up for Lesson 1)
CCSS Grade 6 Formative Assessments
Proofreading - Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
Students correct a variety errors within a text. The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading - Beans
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - Electric Guitars
Students correct a variety errors within a text.The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading - Facebook
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - Martin Luther King Day
Students correct a variety errors within a text.The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading - Mexican Artist Frida Kahlo
Students correct a variety errors within a text.The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading - National Punctuation Day
Students correct a variety errors within a text.The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading - ‘Oumuamua: A Space Mystery
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - Thai Cuisine
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - The History of Football
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - Video Games
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
W.6.1a Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly
Introduction to Argumentative Thesis Statements
Students learn to craft argumentative thesis statements in this teacher-led lesson.