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2.1a Use collective nouns

Proofreading - Kenova, West Virginia
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.

2.1b Use irregular plural nouns

Deer, Geese, & Mice 1
Students practice using irregular plural nouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Feet & Teeth 1
Students practice using irregular plural nouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Irregular Plural Nouns 1
Students practice using irregular plural nouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Irregular Plural Nouns Ending With F, Fe, & O 1
Students practice using irregular plural nouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.

2.1c Use reflexive pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns 1
Students practice using reflexive pronouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Reflexive Pronouns 2
Students practice using reflexive pronouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.

2.1d Use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs

Ate, Came, & Drank 1
Students practice changing present tense "to come," "to eat," and "to drink" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Ate, Came, & Drank 2
Students practice changing present tense "to come," "to eat," and "to drink" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Ate, Cut, & Met 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verbs to past tense.
Became, Drove, & Paid 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Became, Knew, & Made 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Bought, Fought, & Thought 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Broke & Built 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Came, Did, & Went 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Did, Had, & Went 1
Students practice changing present tense "to have," "to do," and "to go" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Did, Had, & Went 2
Students practice changing present tense "to have," "to do," and "to go" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Drove, Ran, & Swam 1
Students practice changing present tense "to drive," "to swim," and "to run" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Drove, Ran, & Swam 2
Students practice changing present tense "to drive," "to swim," and "to run" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Fell, Drank, & Dug 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Flew & Read 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Gave, Got, & Took 1
Students practice changing present tense "to take," "to give," and "to get" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Gave, Got, & Took 2
Students practice changing present tense "to take," "to give," and "to get" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Gave, Grew, & Heard 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Heard, Said, & Told 1
Students practice changing present tense "to say," "to tell," and "to hear" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Heard, Said, & Told 2
Students practice changing present tense "to say," "to tell," and "to hear" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Hid & Sat 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Proofreading Verb Tenses - Icarus's Flight
Students find and correct verb tense errors within a text.
Ran & Swam 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Sat, Thought, & Wrote 1
Students practice changing present tense "to write," "to sit," and "to think" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Sat, Thought, & Wrote 2
Students practice changing present tense "to write," "to sit," and "to think" to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Saw, Dug, Found
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Spoke & Took 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Spoke & Wrote 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Was & Were 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.

2.1e Use adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives Ending in Y & E to Adverbs 1
Students practice using adverbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined adjective to an adverb.
Adverbs of Manner 1
Students practice using adverbs of manner by combining 2 sentences.
Adverbs of Manner 2
Students practice using adverbs of manner by combining 2 sentences.
Adverbs of Manner 3
Students practice using adverbs of manner by combining 2 sentences.
Changing Adjectives to Adverbs 1
Students practice using adverbs of manner by combining 2 sentences. Students must change the adjective in the second sentence to an adverb before combining the sentences.
Coordinate Adjectives - Alaska
Students practice using paired adjectives by combining sentences using "and."
Lesson 1: Adverbs
Students learn to identify adverbs of manner, add them to simple sentences, and combine sentences using adverbs of manner. This is lesson 1 of 2 in the adverbs lesson series.
Lesson 1: Single Adjectives
Students learn to identify adjectives and add them to simple sentences. This is lesson 1 of 2 in the adjectives lesson series.
Lesson 2: Adverbs Review
Students apply what they learned in Lesson 1: Adverbs by writing a paragraph that correctly includes four adverbs of manner. This is lesson 2 of 2 in the adverbs lesson series.
Lesson 2: Single Adjectives Review
Students apply what they learned in Lesson 1: Single Adjectives by combining sentences using adjectives. This is lesson 2 of 2 in the adjectives lesson series.
Listing Adjectives 3
Students practice listing adjectives by combining 3 sentences.
More & Most 2
Students practice using comparative and superlative adjectives by filling in the blank with "more" or "most." Students are provided 2 options and must choose the one that best fits the sentence.
Single Adjectives 1
Students practice using adjectives by combining 2 sentences.
Single Adjectives 2
Students practice using adjectives by combining 2 sentences.

2.1f Produce, expand, and rearrange complete simple & compound sentences

Compound Predicates 1
Students practice writing compound predicates by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Predicates 2
Students practice writing compound predicates by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Predicates - Ancient Egypt
Students practice writing compound predicates by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Predicates - Reptiles
Students practice writing compound predicates by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Subjects 1
Students practice writing compound subjects by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Subjects 2
Students practice writing compound subjects by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Subjects - Biomes
Students practice writing compound subjects by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Subjects, Listed Objects, & Predicates 1
Students practice writing with compound subjects, listed objects, and predicates by combining 2-3 sentences. Students must decide which structure works best with the ideas in the prompt.
Compound Subjects, Objects, & Predicates 1
Students practice writing compound subjects, objects, and predicates by combining 2 sentences. Students must decide which structure works best with the ideas in the prompt.
Compound Subjects, Objects, & Predicates - Superheroes
Students practice writing compound subjects, objects, and predicates by combining 2 sentences. Students must decide which structure works best with the ideas in the prompt.
Compound Subjects, Objects, & Predicates - The Great Wall of China
Students practice writing compound subjects, objects, and predicates by combining 2 sentences. Students must decide which structure works best with the ideas in the prompt.
Compound Subjects, Objects, & Predicates - The Moon
Students practice writing compound subjects, objects, and predicates by combining 2 sentences. Students must decide which structure works best with the ideas in the prompt.
Compound Subjects - Renewable & Fossil Fuels
Students practice writing compound subjects by combining 2 sentences.
Expanding Sentences With Adjectives 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding the two provided adjectives to the appropriate places.
Expanding Sentences With Adjectives 2
Students rewrite sentences, adding the two provided adjectives to the appropriate places.
Listing Objects 1
Students practice listing objects by combining 3 sentences.

2.2a Capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names

Capitalizing Geographic Names & Holidays 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Proofreading Capitalization - Chinese New Year
Students find and correct capitalization errors within a text.
Proofreading - Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - The Pilgrims
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.

2.2c Use an apostrophe to form contractions

Apostrophes (Follow-Up for Lesson 1)
Rewrite the sentence and put the apostrophe in the appropriate place. There may be two apostrophes needed.
Common Contractions 1
Students practice forming contractions by rewriting sentences and changing the underlined words to a contraction.
Don't & Haven't 1
Students practice forming contractions by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined words to a contraction.
I'm & Let's 1
Students practice forming contractions by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined words to a contraction.
I've & That's 1
Students practice forming contractions by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined words to a contraction.

CCSS Grade 2 Formative Assessments

Proofreading - The Sun & the Moon Myth
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.