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7.1a Explain the function of phrases and clauses
Lesson 1: Appositive Phrases
Students learn to combine sentences using a descriptive phrase in the middle of a sentence. This is lesson 1 of 2 in the appositive phrases lesson series.
Lesson 2: Appositive Phrases Review
Students apply what they learned in Lesson 1: Appositive Phrases by writing three sentences using an appositive phrase in the middle. This is lesson 2 of 2 in the appositives phrases lesson series.
7.1b Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences to signal differing relationships among ideas
Advanced Combining: Complex Sentences with Modifiers
Students learn to write complex sentences that include adjectives and adverbs in this teacher-led lesson.
After & Before - Butterflies
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining 2 sentences using "after" or "before." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
After & Before - Gardening
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining 2 sentences using "after" or "before." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Although, Even though, Though, & While at the Beginning - Maine Coon Cats
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences using "although," "even though," "though" or "while" at the beginning of a sentence.
Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Although, Even though, Though, & While at the Beginning - Sea Turtles
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences using "although," "even though," "though" or "while" at the beginning of a sentence. Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Although, Since, & When - Animals
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences using "although," "since," or "when." Students are given 3 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
As Long As, If, & Unless - Global Warming & Pollution
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences using "as long as," "if" or "unless." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
As Long As, If, & Unless - Skiing
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences using "as long as," "if" or "unless." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
As Soon As & Until 1
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining 2 sentences using "as soon as" or "until." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
As Soon As & Until - Honeybees
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining 2 sentences using "as soon as" or "until." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Because & Even Though - Seahorses
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences using "because" or "even though."
Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Because & Even Though - Squirrels
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences using "because" or "even though." Students must choose between the two joining words to best connect the ideas.
Because & Since - South African Activist Nelson Mandela
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining two sentences using "since" or "because." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Because & Since - Squid
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining two sentences using "since" or "because." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Because & Since - The History of Money
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences using "because" or "since."
Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Because & Since - The Miracle on the Hudson
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining two sentences using "since" or "because." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Compound-Complex Sentences - 1980 Olympic Hockey Game
Students practice writing compound-complex sentences by combining 3 sentences.
Students are given 4 joining words and must choose the 2 that best connect the ideas.
Compound-Complex Sentences - Dakota Beadwork
Students practice writing compound-complex sentences by combining 3 sentences. Students are provided the correct joining words to use on each prompt.
Compound-Complex Sentences - Inuit Tattoos
Students practice writing compound-complex sentences by combining 3 sentences. Students are provided the correct joining words to use on each prompt.
Compound-Complex Sentences - Invention of Cars
Students practice writing compound-complex sentences by combining 3 sentences. Students are provided the correct joining words to use on each prompt.
Compound-Complex Sentences - Morning Routine
Students practice writing compound-complex sentences by combining 3 sentences. Students are provided the correct joining words to use on each prompt.
Compound-Complex Sentences - The Potawatomi People
Students practice writing compound-complex sentences by combining 3 sentences. Students are provided the correct joining words to use on each prompt.
Even Though & While - English Playwright William Shakespeare
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences using "while" or "even though." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Joining Words & Describing Words - A Soccer Game
Students practice writing compound and complex sentences that include an adjective by combining 3 sentences. Students combine sentences using the joining word of their choice.
Joining Words & Describing Words - Coral Reefs
Students practice writing compound and complex sentences that include an adjective by combining 3 sentences. Students combine sentences using the joining word of their choice.
Lesson 1: And, Or, But, So
Students learn to combine sentences using and, or, but, and so to create compound sentences. This is lesson 1 of 2 in the compound sentences lesson series.
Lesson 1: Compound Objects and Predicates
Students learn to combine sentences by using compound objects and predicates. This is lesson 1 of 3 in the compound subjects, objects, and predicates lesson series.
Lesson 1: Conjunctions of Time (After, Until, Before, etc.)
Students learn to combine sentences using subordinating conjunctions of time to show the accurate order of events. This is lesson 1 of 4 in the complex sentences lesson series
Lesson 2: And, Or, But, So Review
Students apply what they learned in Lesson 1: And, Or, But, So by writing a paragraph that includes four compound sentences. This is lesson 2 of 2 in the compound sentences lesson series.
Lesson 2: Compound Subjects
Students learn to combine sentences by using compound subjects. This is lesson 2 of 3 in the compound subjects, objects, and predicates lesson series.
Lesson 2: Conjunctions of Opposition (Although, etc.)
Students learn to combine sentences using even though, though, and although to show contrast. This is lesson 2 of 4 in the complex sentences lesson series.
Lesson 3: Compound Subjects, Objects, and Predicates Review
Students apply what they learned in Lesson 1: Compound Objects and Predicates and Lesson 2: Compound Subjects by writing a paragraph that includes a compound subject, a compound object, and a compound predicate. This is lesson 3 of 3 in the compound subjects, objects, and predicates lesson series.
Lesson 3: Conjunctions of Cause and Effect (Because, Since)
Students learn to use because and since to show a cause and effect. This is lesson 3 of 4 in the complex sentences lesson series.
Lesson 4: Subordinating Conjunctions Review
Students apply what they learned in the complex sentences lessons 1-3 by writing a paragraph that includes four complex sentences. This is lesson 4 of 4 in the complex sentences lesson series.
Open Sentence Combining - A Chimpanzee in Outer Space
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Asteroids
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Aztec Origin Myth
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Black Women's Suffrage
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Chinese Emperor Hui Zong
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Dyslexia
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Eclipses
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - First Chinese Emperor
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Fold Mountains
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Hydrothermal Vents
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Impossible Colors
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Jamestown Settlement
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Maya Civilization
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Plant & Animal Cells
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Plants in the Food Chain
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Tang Dynasty Inventions
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The American Buffalo
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The Battle at Yorktown
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The Battle of Bunker Hill
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The Battle of Saratoga
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The Battles of Lexington & Concord
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The Boston Massacre
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The Boston Tea Party
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The Inca Royal Road
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The International Space Station
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The Iroquois Confederacy
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The Medici Family
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The Milky Way
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - The Mongol Invasion of China
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Tsunamis
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Vascular & Non-Vascular Plants
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Vascular Plants
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Open Sentence Combining - Weather & Climate
Students practice writing a variety of sentence structures by combining 2 or 3 sentences using the method of their choice.
Reduced Relative Clauses 1
Students practice reducing relative clauses by rewriting sentences.
Subordinating Conjunctions - Birds
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences. Students are provided 4 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Subordinating Conjunctions - Hobbies
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences. Students are provided 4 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Subordinating Conjunctions - Mammoth Cave National Park
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences. Students are provided 4 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Subordinating Conjunctions - Playing Football
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences. Students are provided 3 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Subordinating Conjunctions - Runners in a Race
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences. Students are provided 3 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Subordinating Conjunctions - Stephen Hawking
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences. Students are provided 3 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Subordinating Conjunctions - The History of Hip Hop
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences. Students are provided 3 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Subordinating Conjunctions - Weather Forecasters
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining sentences. Students are provided 3 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Subordinating Conjunctions with Adverbs - A Science Experiment
Students practice writing complex sentences that include a subordinating conjunction and an adverb by combining 3 sentences. Students are provided 3 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Time Conjunctions - Forest Fires
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining 2 sentences using a joining word of time. Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Time Conjunctions - Volcanoes
Students practice writing complex sentences by combining 2 sentences using a joining word of time. Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
7.2a Use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives
Coordinate Adjectives - Hiking
Students practice using coordinate adjectives by combining 2 sentences.
Coordinate Adjectives - Sharks
Students practice using coordinate adjectives by combining 2 sentences.
Lesson 1: Coordinate Adjectives
Students learn to use coordinate adjectives in this teacher-led lesson. This is 1 of 3 lessons on using coordinate and cumulative adjectives.
Proofreading Coordinate Adjectives - Visiting the Zoo
Students connect coordinate adjectives by replacing "and" with a comma throughout a text.
7.2a Use cumulative adjectives
Adverbs & Cumulative Adjectives - Fishing
Students practice using adverbs and cumulative adjectives by combining 4 sentences so that 2 cumulative adjectives are in the right order before the appropriate noun and the adverb of manner is placed correctly.
Coordinate vs. Cumulative Adjectives 1
Students practice using cumulative and coordinate adjectives by combining 3 or 4 sentences.
Coordinate vs. Cumulative Adjectives 2
Students practice using cumulative and coordinate adjectives by combining 3 or 4 sentences.
Coordinate vs. Cumulative Adjectives (Follow-Up for Lesson 3)
Cumulative Adjectives 1
Students practice using cumulative adjectives by combining 3 sentences.
Cumulative Adjectives 2
Students practice using cumulative adjectives by combining 4 sentences.
Cumulative Adjectives 3
Students practice using cumulative adjectives by combining 4 sentences.
Cumulative Adjectives 4
Students practice using cumulative adjectives by combining 3 sentences.
Cumulative Adjectives 5
Students practice using cumulative adjectives by combining 3 sentences.
Cumulative Adjectives 6
Students practice using cumulative adjectives by combining 3 or 4 sentences.
Cumulative Adjectives (Follow-Up for Lesson 2)
Lesson 2: Cumulative Adjectives
Students learn to use cumulative adjectives in this teacher-led lesson. This is 2 of 3 lessons on using coordinate and cumulative adjectives.
Lesson 3: Coordinate vs. Cumulative Adjectives
Students learn to use and differentiate between coordinate and cumulative adjectives in this teacher-led lesson. This is 3 of 3 lessons on using coordinate and cumulative adjectives.
CCSS Grade 7 Formative Assessments
Proofreading - Can The James Webb Space Telescope See the Past?
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - English Soccer Player Hope Powell
Students correct a variety errors within a text. The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading - Figure Skating
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - Fruits & Vegetables
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - Mediterranean Cuisine
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - Pluto
Students correct a variety of errors within a text.
The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading - Surfing & Skateboarding
Students correct a variety errors within a text.The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading - Symphony Orchestras
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - The Beach Boys
Students correct a variety errors within a text.The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading - The First Broadway Musical
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - The First Space Walk
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - The History of Hip Hop
Students correct a variety errors within a text.The errors in the text are underlined.