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ELL Level 2

Articles 3
Students practice choosing between articles by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Been, Eaten, & Gone 1
Students practice forming the past participles "been," "eaten," and "gone" by rewriting sentences and correcting the underlined verb.
Can, May, Must, & Will 1
Students practice using different modal auxiliary verbs by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Can Questions 1
Students practice forming questions with "can" by filling in the blanks with the provided options.
Can Questions 2
Students practice forming questions with "can" by filling in the blanks with the provided options.
Can't & Won't 1
Students practice forming contractions by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined words to a contraction.
Choosing Between Modal Verbs 1
Students practice choosing between "might," "would," "should," "will," "can," "could," and "may" by filling in each blank with the best option.
Choosing Between Modal Verbs 2
Students practice choosing between "might," "would," "should," "will," "can," "could," and "may" by filling in each blank with the best option.
Choosing Between Negated Modal Verbs 1
Students practice choosing between "might not," "wouldn't," "shouldn't," "won't," "can't," "couldn't," and "may not" by filling in each blank with the best option.
Choosing Between Negated Modal Verbs 2
Students practice choosing between "might not," "wouldn't," "shouldn't," "won't," "can't," "couldn't," and "may not" by filling in each blank with the best option.
Choosing Between Simple, Progressive, & Perfect Tenses 1
Students practice choosing between simple past, simple present, simple future, past progressive, present progressive, future progressive, past perfect, present perfect, and future perfect tenses by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Choosing Between Simple, Progressive, & Perfect Tenses 2
Students practice choosing between simple past, simple present, simple future, past progressive, present progressive, future progressive, past perfect, present perfect, and future perfect tenses by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Choosing Between Simple, Progressive, & Perfect Tenses 3
Students practice choosing between simple past, simple present, simple future, past progressive, present progressive, future progressive, past perfect, present perfect, and future perfect tenses by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Choosing Between Simple, Progressive, & Perfect Tenses 4
Students practice choosing between simple past, simple present, simple future, past progressive, present progressive, future progressive, past perfect, present perfect, and future perfect tenses by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Contractions with Modal Verbs 1
Students practice forming contractions with modal verbs by rewriting sentences and changing the underlined words to a contraction.
Contractions with Modal Verbs 2
Students practice forming contractions with modal verbs by rewriting sentences and changing the underlined words to a contraction.
Could, Should, & Would 1
Students practice using different modal auxiliary verbs by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Dynamic vs. Stative Verbs 1
Students practice differentiating between dynamic and stative verbs in progressive tense by filling in each blank with the dynamic verb.
Dynamic vs. Stative Verbs 2
Students practice differentiating between dynamic and stative verbs in progressive tense by rewriting sentences and replacing verbs with their present or progressive tense versions.
ELL Intermediate Diagnostic (Baseline Pre)
Assess beginner and intermediate English learners on tenses (simple tenses, progressive tenses, perfect tenses, and modality), and receive a series of recommended activities for each student based on the results.
ELL Intermediate Diagnostic (Growth Post)
Assess beginner and intermediate English learners on tenses (simple tenses, progressive tenses, perfect tenses, and modality), and receive a series of recommended activities for each student based on the results.
Future Perfect 1
Students practice using the future perfect tense by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Future Perfect, Past Perfect, & Present Perfect 1
Students practice choosing between past perfect, present perfect, and future perfect by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Future Perfect, Past Perfect, & Present Perfect 2
Students practice choosing between past perfect, present perfect, and future perfect by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Modal Verbs with Perfect Tenses 1
Students practice using modal verbs before perfect tenses by filling in each blank with the best option.
Modal Verbs with Perfect Tenses 2
Students practice using modal verbs before perfect tenses by filling in each blank with the best option.
Negating Simple Future Tense 1
Students practice negating future tense by filling in the blanks with some of the provided options.
Negating Simple Future Tense 2
Students practice negating future tense by filling in the blanks with some of the provided options.
Past Participles 1
Students practice forming regular and irregular past participles by rewriting sentences and correcting the underlined verb.
Past Perfect vs. Simple Past 1
Students practice deciding between simple past tense and past perfect by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Past, Present, & Future Progressive 1
Students practice choosing between past progressive, present progressive, and future progressive tenses by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Past, Present, & Future Progressive 2
Students practice choosing between past progressive, present progressive, and future progressive tenses by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Perfect Tenses 1
Students practice choosing past perfect, present perfect, and future perfect out of a variety of tense choices by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Prepositions 2
Students practice choosing between prepositions by filling in the blank with one of the provided prepositions.
Prepositions & Vehicles 1
Students practice choosing between vehicle-related prepositions by filling in the blank with one of the provided prepositions.
Prepositions & Vehicles 2
Students practice choosing between vehicle-related prepositions by filling in the blank with one of the provided prepositions.
Present Perfect 1
Students rewrite sentences, filling in the blank with the present perfect form of the provided verb.
Present Progressive 1
Students rewrite sentences, filling in the blank with the present progressive form of the provided verb.
Present Progressive 5
Students practice changing present tense verbs to present progressive tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Present Progressive 6
Students practice changing present tense verbs to present progressive tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Proofreading Simple Future Tense - A Soccer Game
Students correct future tense errors within a text. The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading Simple Future Tense - A Trip to the Pocono Mountains
Students correct future tense errors within a text. The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading Simple Subject-Verb Agreement - Morning Routine
Students correct subject-verb agreement errors within a text. The errors in the text are underlined.
Proofreading Simple Subject-Verb Agreement - Waking Up
Students correct subject-verb agreement errors within a text.The errors in the text are underlined.
Regular Past Ending in Y 1
Students practice changing present tense verbs that end in "-y" (carry, study, etc.) to past tense verbs by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Regular Past Ending in Y 2
Students practice changing present tense verbs that end in "-y" (carry, study, etc.) to past tense verbs by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Regular Past Tense 1
Students practice changing present tense to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Regular Past Tense 2
Students practice changing present tense to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Regular Past Tense 3
Students practice changing a variety of regular present tense verbs to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Regular Past Tense 4
Students practice changing a variety of regular present tense verbs to past tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Regular Past with Double Consonants 1
Students practice changing present tense to past tense verbs that need double consonants (shopped, clapped, etc.) by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Regular Past with Double Consonants 2
Students practice changing present tense to past tense verbs that need double consonants (shopped, clapped, etc.) by rewriting sentences and changing the verb.
Simple Future Tense 1
Students practice using simple future tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verbs.
Simple Future Tense 2
Students practice using simple future tense by rewriting sentences and changing the verbs.
Simple Past, Present, & Future 1
Students practice choosing between past, present, and future tense verbs by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Simple Past, Present, & Future 2
Students practice choosing between past, present, and future tense verbs by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Simple Past, Present, & Future 3
Students practice choosing between past, present, and future tense verbs by filling in each blank with one of the provided verbs.
Simple Present vs. Future 1
Students practice choosing between present and future tense by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Simple Present vs. Future 2
Students practice choosing between present and future tense by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Simple Present vs. Present Progressive 1
Students practice choosing between present and present progressive tenses by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Simple Present vs. Present Progressive 2
Students practice choosing between present and present progressive tenses by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Simple Present vs. Present Progressive 3
Students practice choosing between present and present progressive tenses by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Simple vs. Progressive Tenses 1
Students practice choosing between simple and progressive verb tenses by filling in each blank with the best tense option.
Simple vs. Progressive Tenses 2
Students practice choosing between simple and progressive verb tenses by filling in each blank with the best tense option.
Subject-Verb Agreement 2
Students practice writing with subject-verb agreement by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement 4
Students practice writing with subject-verb agreement by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement 7
Students practice writing with subject-verb agreement by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
To Be with Pronouns 1
Students practice conjugating "to be" by filling in the blank with one of the 3 provided options.
Word Order in Questions 5
Students practice question word order by filling in the blanks at the beginning of questions.
Word Order in Questions 6
Students practice question word order by filling in the blanks at the beginning of questions.